Nocked up for DraconCon best Mobile game!

I’m flattered to say that my iOS game, Nocked, was nominated for DragonCon’s Scif/Fantasy Indie awards.  It’s me, some MMOs, and Beamdog’s Planescape port, so if you’re so inclined, grab a ballot and vote by August 31st! 

 Here’s a sweet taste of the Golden Arrow edition, coming later this year to desktop. Obviously, I’m running some graphics tests at the moment, and images and texts are still being tweaked... 😀



A few more stories on the way!

About 40,000 words worth (150 novel pages, give or take). The draft is in, the integration and revision of the entirety of the resource system is underway. Nocked for desktop, bigger and better, with changes kicked back to iOS.

Here we are, messing with the desktop layout — this is very much “work in progress”,  but you get the idea.



Writer/Director of Nocked